As a new year begins, many of us become reflective of the previous year - reminiscing, evaluating, and then planning for the future. I admit it’s one of my favorite things!
I thought it would be fun to give you a behind the scenes look at some of the things we plan each year at Redemption Acres.
First, we grab the necessary supplies: seed catalogs, evaluation questions, a computer, a calendar, and of course, coffee.
We look back on the previous year and talk about what worked, what didn’t, and what needed improvement. There’s always lots to evaluate!
We set goals for the year ahead - what we want to continue, new things we’d like to start doing, and improvements we need to make going forward.
The key to all of this planning is the calendar. Once we’ve decided on a plan, we immediately put it into the calendar. For example, we know we need to order more laying chicks again this year as our flock is getting older. So, we order the baby chicks, calculate the feed, order it, and prepare the chick brooder.
My favorite part of planning is figuring out the CSA vegetables. Some women like shoes; I’ll take seeds, especially rare heirlooms, any day. They make my heart go pitter, patter. (I know it’s strange, but someone has to skew the normal curve, right?)
After drooling over catalogs and putting in our orders, then comes the calculating part: when to start each seed, how many to plant, where to place them in the gardens while keeping healthy soil a priority and making it all work together like a symphony. It’s SO FUN!
By the end of planning, our calendars are full of dates and details for vegetables, pasture rotation, baby chickens, goat kidding, egg schedules, farm projects, and family time.
People ask me often how we juggle all that we do, so here’s my secret: We get the calendar out so the goals WILL happen. It’s so simple, but a clear, detailed calendar is a powerful tool for us.
We’ve got some really exciting things planned for this year. Stay tuned for announcements coming soon!
How do you plan for your year ahead? How do you make your dreams and plans a reality? Comment below and let me know.